1. What key do you press before entering a new program?
2. TI-59 did calculations with how many accurate (well, most of the times) digits?
3. What does the EE INV EE sequence do?
4. Top file keys were marked with A, B, C, D, and E. What is written above them?
5. What sequence was used to test the correct functioning of the calculator?
6. What was written in the lower right corner of the calculator, under the TI Programmable 59 line?
7. While editing the program, you press 2nd Ins. What happens?
8. What does 2nd Op 10 do?
9. 2 + 3 x (4 + 5 = gives:
10. Code 42 represents instruction...
11. In order to calculate arcus sine, you press:
12. Press 1 +/- 2nd Write to:
13. What game was included in the Master Library module?
14. 2nd Pgm 15 SBR D.MS was often use to:
15. HIR 2x codes:
16. How many flags TI-59 has?
17. What is the number of the last data register, in 10 OP 17 partition?
18. You want to save memories 00 through 10. Which is the correct procedure?
19. What is the difference between A and GTO A in the running program
20. You enter 1 and pass the magnetic card. The display is flashing 3. What is the problem?